miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Non-verbal communication

"Your actions speak louder than your words." I'm totally agree with this saying because for me, actions must complement what you are saying. People all around the world have different ways to communicate each other, but it's easier communicate with body language. For example a tourist that comes to Colombia and does not know how to speak spanish, He can communicate with gestures and people may understand him. Thats why non-verbal communication is so important, is like when a teacher is checking if you cheat in the exam, with non-verbal communication people can check if what you are saying is the same of what you are expressing.
In conclusion the non-verbal communication plays a very important roll when you are sharing your thoughts or ideas, because it helps you to check if the person is interested in what you are saying, and to the person to check if you are saying the same with your body language, for example when the english teacher see us yawning or not making eye contact with her, she realize that we are not paying attention even if we are not talking with a partner.

lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Minority Subculture

The gay community, better known as LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) is a fact all around the world. This term has been used since 1990 and represent all the gay community. In Colombia, the constitution of 1991 have some laws for this group of people but the society treat them different because of their sexual orientation.
For example gay couples can not adopt a baby because is not legal, this problem has been talk for years and years but there are not a solution yet. Other example is the gay marriage that is similar to the last one. But in other hand, Colombia is on it way to the progress and there are some laws for this people, for example, gays can go to the army without problems, is not illegal to have sexual intercourse with the same sex, and the age of consent is the same as for heterosexual couples (14).
I think Colombia is progressing in this topic, the LGBT community has been recognized trough the years and know have more rights than in the past. However gay people is seen and treated different by the government and people in the cities, and we have to stop that because we all have the same rights, no matter what our sexual orientation would be.

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2012

"My Big Fat Greek Wedding"

Everyday we are interacting with people from different cultures and subcultures, in fact my english teacher is from a different culture and we can communicate. The world is made by that, interactions and communications between people in order to make bussines, relationships, experiences, etc.  
Weddings between people from differents cultures are very common in our world, you dont have control of your feelings so, if you are colombian you can fall in love with a chinese person. When people from different cultures interact, it may exist some troubles. For example in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" Toula and Ian were from different cultures, and they had some problems for getting married. Toula's father was really obsessed with the Greek culture, he always said to her daugther that she had to marry a greek man, so that was a big problem because Ian was american. Toula´s family also give a lot importance to work, in fact, all the family worked together and the bussines were related. The first day Toula's father saw Ian, he almost had a hearthattack because of his long hair and the fact that he was american. It´s clear that there were a lot of differences during their relationship, like the concept of beauty and the physical apperance of them and their families.
Thats why they had to meet in secret during their relationship, also, the concept of sexuality at first was different for both of them. They also had different religions and habits. At the end of the movie Ian become the "perfect Greek man" for her and they finaly get married.
In conclusion I think that no matter what the differences are, gestures, values, religious beliefs, habits like the relationship between Toula and Ian. What really matters is to understand the other culture and accept it, do not discriminate or apart it because is different. For example my parents are from different cultures and they have been together for many years, no matter the differences that exist.

viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

Are endangered cultures so important?

We have to protect endangered cultures because they are so important for us, the world wouldn´t be the same with the same culture and lenguage, in fact the mixes of culture make our world interesting full of experiences to live. We have to communicate and thats why the lenguage is so important, "language is not a just a body of vocabulary or set of gramatical rules, its a flash of the human spirit..". The different languages and cultures have diferent things to show to us. The cultures complete our society because they are not delimited by countries or cities, it dependes on people thoughts. But a lot of people dont know how important culture is, "many people is not interested in the death of languages and cultures" (The death of language?, Tom Colls), so we have to realize that our world is culture and we learn everyday thanks to them.

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Introducing myself

Hello everyone, my name is Juan Felipe Chaparro and this is the best blog you will see in your life. I'm studyng electrical engineering in "Universidad del Norte" and this blog is in english because its for english class.This is a space where you can read a lot of interesting topics and also you can know about me and things that I like.